Fee Millist Creative Portfolio Sloways Thumb.png

Fee Millist Creative Director Portfolio Sloways

Not fast, not furious

Not fast, not furious

For caravanners, slow is a way of life. It’s about getting back to basics, back to nature and reconnecting with family. What better thing for NRMA Insurance to protect? Not just caravans but the very way of life that surrounds them.


A 1400km network of road signs, redirected caravanners through over 30 regional towns that embrace life in the slow lane. These were places that were being increasingly bypassed by highways, and impacted by recent bushfires, droughts and floods. Sloways helped caravanners slow down and travel safer while boosting regional economies.

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We created a bespoke webpage for Sloways allowing people to plan their journeys online and integrate them into maps.

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