Fee Millist | Creative Portfolio
Z Flip Pocket Denim
$1,499 jeans to help launch the Samsung Z Flip3
When people search ‘my phone is too…’ the number one query is ‘big’. Apple had no comparative device to address this, giving Samsung permission to make a huge deal about their tiny Z Flip3.
In partnership with Dr Denim, we designed and launched jeans with Z Flip3 sized pockets that wouldn’t fit any other phone. ‘Z Flip Pocket Denim’ were provocatively priced at $1,499 (the price of the phone). And yes, every pair came with a free device.
Taking cues from the world of high fashion, we launched the jeans with conceptual, social films where big pockets were violently destroyed.
Available in both mens and womens, the jeans were sold through Dr Denim’s website, where people could also choose and order their free phone.