Fee | Creative Portfolio
Turning children's rashvests into lifesaving CPR signs
In Australia, drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for young children. Even the most well-trained parent will panic in a moment of adrenalin filled anxiety. Combining the swimwear worn by every Australian child – the rash vest – with lifesaving medical CPR instructions, we turned kids’ swimwear into a lifesaving aide.
Rescue Rashie puts lifesaving instructions where they matter most – at your fingertips. Westpac has a long association with ensuring the safety of Australians, through their support of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service.
Rescue Rashie was made in partnership with Westpac and CPR Kids, who endorsed the CPR instructions as paediatric specific. For every Rashie sold, $1 is donated to Take Heart Australia, a CPR charity.
Westpac launched Rescue Rashie by giving away 10,000 to the local community. The Rashies were then made available to buy online for $35 with all proceeds going to Take Heart Australia.
Rescue Rashie was promoted across digital and social with comms directing people to the website to purchase. The below video was used on Westpac's social channels.